Dot ME Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .ME registration $18.99 $37.98 $56.97 $75.96 $94.95 $113.94 $132.93 $151.92 $170.91 $189.90

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.ME yes yes (EPP) yes yes 1-10 years

Dot ME Domain Names

Sovereign since 2006, Montenegro is one of the youngest countries in the world. In 2007, the Dot ME country-specific top-level domain name extension was assigned to Montenegro. In only a few years, dot ME became one of the fastest growing domain extensions around the globe with over half a million active registrations. The reason is that “me” is a pronoun in English and is used for several forms of the verbs in Spanish, Dutch and other languages, so a lot of the domains are bought by foreign entities, not by local ones. This gives .ME domains a global role on the Internet. Many companies also have dot ME domains for easier and faster access, which only demonstrates the popularity of the extension – (Time Magazine), (Visa), (Facebook) and so on.

What makes acquiring a dot ME domain very easy is that there do not exist particular restrictions, which is not that common for country-code top-level domains. You can acquire such a domain through our company and start handling it through our Hepsia Control Panel shortly after that. Any individual or company/organization can grab a .ME name and we also support transfers, so you can control your domain and hosting space from one single place. The transfer process is the same as that of a regular .COM domain – the domain should be sixty days old, unlocked, and you need to get its EPP transfer key. If you don’t wish other people to see your private WHOIS details, we also offer a Whois Privacy Protection service, which can be enabled with one click through the Control Panel, so your true information will be protected.

Dot ME Domain Names with Elsir Hosting

Elsir Hosting's tailor-made Domain Manager will allow you to control all your .ME domain names, together with their WHOIS, DNS, Registrar-lock, etc. controls, in an amazingly user-friendly way. Our exhaustive help tutorials will help you with every issue that you can come across. Of course, you can count on our well-trained tech support team, who are at your beck and call 24/7.

The Domain Manager is an integral part of Elsir Hosting's avant-garde Web Hosting Control Panel, so if you in addition have a hosting account with us, you'll be able to control your domains and your web sites from one and the same place!