Memcached is a caching platform, which is used to supercharge the overall performance of database-powered websites by caching the queries and the replies between the user and the server. Put simply, anytime a particular web page on such a website is accessed, the script sends a database query to request the info that should be displayed to the website visitor. In case the latter clicks on a hyperlink to go to some other page, the whole process is executed again and this results in a lot of database calls and high load on the server, particularly if the website has a lot of concurrent visitors. Memcached "remembers" this exchange of information, so if any of these web pages is visited again, the script no longer has to fetch any information from the database, as everything is delivered by the caching platform. In this way, the overall load speed of your site will increase and you’ll get more happy visitors and they’ll be able to surf through your website much faster. What’s more, the Memcached platform updates its cache whenever any information in the database is edited, so the website visitors will never end up seeing outdated content.

Memcached in Cloud Hosting

The Memcached object caching system is offered as an upgrade with each and every Linux cloud hosting that we are offering and you will be able to start using it once you add it, since the PHP extension that it needs so as to function properly is pre-installed on our avant-garde cloud hosting platform. You can order the upgrade from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with each web hosting package and a brand new section where you can manage Memcached will appear. The upgrade is separated into two parts – the number of instances and the amount of system memory, so as to give you more flexibility. The first one shows the number of the Internet sites that can use Memcached, while the second, which comes in increments of 16 megabytes, defines the maximum size of the content that can be cached by the system. A traffic-intensive website with a large-sized database may require more memory to take an even bigger advantage of Memcached, so if you’d like to upgrade this feature, you’ll be able to do it at any given time with several clicks.

Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You can get the Memcached data caching system as an upgrade with each of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting and since it works with any script-based software application, you can use it for every site that you host on our servers, regardless of what application you have used – Mambo, Joomla or WordPress, a custom-created application, etc. You can add the upgrade from the corresponding section of the Hepsia Control Panel from which you manage your semi-dedicated server account, and you can select two different features – the instances and the amount of system memory that they will use. Basically, these things indicate the number of the Internet sites that will use Memcached and the amount of system memory that the system will be able to use in order to store your content. The two features are offered separately for more freedom and one instance does not come with a fixed amount of memory. You can take advantage of the Memcached system with any kind of website and both you and your visitors will quickly distinguish the difference in the performance.

Memcached in VPS

Memcached is available as standard with all Linux VPS ordered with our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel. The PHP extension it needs so as to work properly is compiled when the VPS is set up, so you can begin using the object caching platform as soon as your brand-new virtual server is ready. The memory that Memcached can use depends on the particular plan, but even with the low-end plans, several hundred megabytes will be at your disposal only for this platform. This will permit you to boost the performance of numerous sites hosted on the Virtual Private Server simultaneously and to reduce the load on the machine even if you’ve got resource-heavy script-based web pages with numerous users. The platform can be used with any script – Mambo, Drupal or Joomla, or a custom one, and you’ll observe the better performance shortly after you start using it.

Memcached in Dedicated Hosting

Memcached is available for free with all Linux dedicated hosting that we’re offering and the one and only condition is that the server must be ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. You can use the data caching system for any database-powered Internet site, including those that are based on famous software applications – for example, a WordPress online diary or a Joomla-driven social network. Each dedicated machine is tied to a different amount of system memory that Memcached can employ, but the minimum you’ll get is three gigabytes, which is sufficient enough to increase the speed of extremely heavy sites noticeably, since this very memory will be dedicated to storing the cached info. The Memcached system will begin storing info the moment it is enabled, so soon after that, you will notice the optimized overall performance of your sites and the lowered load on the dedicated machine. Lots of websites use the Memcached system to boost their efficacy, among them popular ones like Wikipedia and Reddit.