PHP is amongst the most widely used open-source server-side coding languages. It is very popular because it is free software, which can be used to create responsive websites like community web portals, e-shops or online teaching portals rather than static HTML-based sites. A PHP module should be installed on the web server where a PHP website is hosted so that its source code can be read. Because there are no license fees for this kind of module and the language itself offers infinite options for the web-based apps that you build, there’re hundreds of millions of PHP websites. Plus, there are lots of PHP scripts, which you can use for your sites without needing to have any programming knowledge. Since there’re several versions of PHP, you ought to make certain that the same exact version that you used whilst creating your website is enabled on the server as well.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Cloud Hosting

We’ve reached a decision not to prevent our current and potential clients from choosing the PHP version that their websites will be using, which means that in case you purchase a cloud hosting package from our company, you’ll be able to pick between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the account in general, but also for each single domain name that you host. This can be accomplished with only one click through our custom-created Hepsia Control Panel via which all hosting accounts are managed, which is the reason why you won’t need any technical or coding skills. You’ll be able to host sites built with both old and new PHP scripts without having to overcome any obstacles, so if you would like to change your current web hosting provider and switch over to us, you can rest assured that all the websites that you have created over the years will continue to run properly.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting support multiple PHP versions, which implies that you’ll be able to use all the applications that you have created over the years. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes bundled with every semi-dedicated server account, will enable you to activate the needed version with just one click. You can select between PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. In case you wish to host multiple sites in one single account and they have diverse requirements about the web hosting environment, you will be able to choose a different version for each and every one of them no matter which version has been enabled for the account itself. That’s possible owing to our custom-created cloud hosting platform, which allows us to run several PHP versions all at the same time. By contrast, the great majority of hosting vendors usually support one, in rare cases – two versions.